How to apply for a lawyer
The Office of the Public Defender will provide legal services to any person who is financially unable to obtain a private attorney according to the indigency guidelines, and:
- who has been arrested for, charged with, or convicted of an offense or offenses punishable by imprisonment;
- who has been arrested for or charged with a law or ordinance violation for which such person may be or is subject to the provisions of Chapter 571, Hawai`i Revised Statutes (under which a minor may be adjudicated a law violator);
- whose probations or parole may be revoked;
- whose liberty is threatened by confinement, against his or her will, in any psychiatric or other mental institution or facility;
- who is the subject of a petition for involuntary outpatient treatment; or
- who is otherwise entitled by law to be represented by legal counsel (e.g. Expedited Sentencing Program, Act 316, 1993 Session Laws).